••• JJ Jones •••

I am an American singer-performer-moderator from Detroit/Nashville currently living in Munich.



Ab 19.30 Uhr

Karaoke Live @ Midnight Bazar:
Moderation mit Buck Roger and the Sidetrackers

Paketposthalle, München

20 Uhr

Los Poppos @ 089 Kult Ball
am Rosenmontag

Deutsches Theater, München


Solo Performance:
Austellungseröffnung „Accentuate the Positive“

Galerie Biró, München


Los Poppos

Glockenbachwerkstatt, München


Los Poppos @ So Not Right Festival

Muffathalle, München


Los Poppos: Album Release Party

Unter Deck, München

Takthor feat. John Jones: Luxury

Current Projects

Sheer Cerebral Power
Album „Sucker Punch’d“

Jones teams with Enja recording artist Azhar Kamal for an intensely progressive rock album inspired by Muhammad Ali, with songs abstractly constructed around the topic of boxing, struggle, and domination.

UFO Hawaii & John Jones
Album „People“

Jones teams with Berlin film and television composer Achim Treu for a series of playfully complex and philosophical character studies. Genre: „Future Folk“.

Magic Moments:
The Monumental Music of Burt Bacharach

Some of the greatest songs ever written for pop charts and great films interpreted by the smooth and dynamic vocals of John and the skilled arrangements of Sam Hylton.


Same old Song
The most diverse selection of musicians is invited to interpret the same song. The record is 26 versions in 4.5 hours from 78 artists. All LIVE.
Go to website

Bigband Dachau
This ain’t your typical big band. BBD specializes in techno disco impriovisations that rock the house!

Cpt. Nepomuk’s Friendly Heart Choir Club
Singles „Weida mitanand“ and „Make it a Home“ recorded as a benefit to the victims oft he 2013 flooding in southern Germany
Watch on YouTube

Christmas in a Bubble
The Human Snow Globe returns!
This time together with the band Son of a Groove.
Watch on YouTube

9 Minutes of Love
The perfect wedding medley. All the love songs you ever loved.
Watch on YouTube

Rauschunterdrückung. Ein Aufnahmezustand
Cast of the award-winning radio play by Ulrich Bassenge

Motown meets Muh-town with Jodelfunk and Schunkelsoul
Visit website

Tosca (Richard Dorfmeister & Rupert Huber)
Singer on the single „Jayjay“ from the record „Odeon“

Bier auf dem Teppich
Cast of the award-winning radio play by Ulrich Bassenge

Soundtrack of film „Sommer in Orange“
By Marcus H. Rosenmüller
Single „The Other Side“

Eso Es – Album „Illuminate“
Original compositions and vocals on several tracks for an Ibiza-style dance album with a spiritual twist

Miss Claudia
Two Duets on the album „Airport“ from the fabulously loungy and sexy band from Copenhagen

Berlin Files – a film by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
Actor and singer

Fuzzy Love – Album „Pagan Schmalz and Other Sacrifices“
The first professional musical engagement with Gordon Monahan and Gordon W: a 12-step program to learn to love the songs you used to hate
Listen on SoundCloud